Common Hearing Aid Issues & Tips for Fixing Them

by | Dec 18, 2023 | Hearing Aids

Embracing the Learning Curve

Just like with anything new, adjusting to your hearing aids is expected to take time. It is normal to have a period of around 2-4 months to get used to wearing them, learn more about what they can do, and how to best care for them. This is all a part of the expected learning curve. 

There have been many state-of-the-art advancements in audiology since the introduction of hearing aids in the early 90s, making them better than ever before. However, they still require fine-tuning to fit your exact preferences, and there are some tips and tricks to help your investment last as long as possible.

Hearing Care 101 Begins With Your Provider

The main services your hearing device will undergo begin with the help of your provider. During your fitting appointment, your audiologist will program the hearing aids to match the type of hearing loss identified in your audiogram and then measure how your new technology is working. Before you leave the office, you’ll be taught everything you need to know about how to care for your aids and what to expect. They will also be able to answer any questions you have. 

While it will take some getting used to, this period allows your provider to make modifications to your device’s programming, leading to a better hearing experience for you. That being said, if you are experiencing any discomfort or irritation, be vocal with your audiologist. Ensuring you get the best care possible is down to the communication between you and your provider. If something sounds off, let us know so we can get it adjusted for you!

Tips for Managing Common Hearing Aid Issues

Hearing aids are one of the most customized items you will ever purchase for yourself, and adjustments are a crucial part of maintaining comfort throughout your daily activities. These days, many hearing aids are created to adjust automatically as the environment around you changes. Gone are the days of reaching up and resetting your volume for every type of hearing environment. Even with these adaptations, there are still problems you will come across and adjustments you will want to make to keep your device running smoothly. 

Funny or Distorted Sounds? It Might Be Time For a Charge!

It doesn’t take long to recognize when the normal sounds you are used to hearing begin to sound off. One of the reasons noises may sound funny or distorted could be related to your battery level. While 90% of hearing aids are rechargeable, and no longer require you to swap out physical batteries, it is still necessary to keep track of your battery life. If you are hearing distorted sounds, it is possible that your battery is low, or that you have accidentally switched to a different programming mode. Check to make sure you aren’t connected to your phone or another listening device!

Remember, the charging base for your hearing aids is what gives them power, so it is important to charge them every night. Follow these quick tips to help prolong the device’s life and keep it free of damage:

  1. Keep your charging station plugged in and connected to power so it is ready to go!
  2. When you are done using your hearing aids, place them in your charging base. This will protect your aids from damage without draining the battery. If you don’t have access to your charging base, simply turn off the power and keep them in a safe, dry place. 
  3. Hearing aids last around 18-24 hours per charge and should be plugged in every night. Once your aids are in the base, an indicator light should start blinking. After 3-4 hours the light should stop blinking, indicating a full charge. 

Improve Your Device’s Volume By Cleaning the Receiver

On hearing aids, the receiver is what translates the sounds from computer-generated code to noises we can actually hear. Wax and debris can block the receiver making it difficult to hear or prevent the aid from working at all. If your volume is all the way up but you still can’t hear the sound, it is possible your receiver needs a good clean (not with water, though!). 

Your hearing care provider should give you detailed instructions on how to keep the receiver clean and protect it so you can hear your best. For best care, hearing aids should be cleaned weekly, and inspected and deep cleaned by a professional annually. 

If your device is clean and you are still having trouble, it is possible that the receiver has gone bad. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your provider to schedule an appointment. Most often, it is a quick fix that can have you back to hearing 100% in no time!

Hearing aids are not only an investment in your hearing health but in your quality of life, too! Learning the best ways to protect your aids from damage and troubleshooting common issues can feel overwhelming. Let the experts at Colorado Ear Care guide you through the process and help you come out on the other side, more confident in your hearing!

Talk with one of our friendly hearing and balance professionals today.