Hearing Aid Not Working? Expert Solutions for Common Problems

by | Sep 24, 2024 | Hearing Aids

Are you experiencing frustrating issues with your hearing aid? Before rushing off to buy a new one — or worse, giving up on them completely! — try these at-home troubleshooting techniques from our team of experts to get your device working properly again. Our comprehensive guide covers the most common hearing aid problems and provides step-by-step solutions to help you hear clearly once more.

Understanding Your Hearing Aid: A Quick Overview

Before diving into troubleshooting, let’s briefly review the key components of a hearing aid:

  1. Microphone: Picks up sounds from your environment
  2. Amplifier: Increase the volume of these collected sounds
  3. Speaker (receiver): Delivers the amplified sounds to your ear
  4. Battery: Powers your device
  5. Computer Chip: Processes and adjusts these sounds

Understanding these parts will help you better diagnose and solve potential issues.

Common Hearing Aid Problems & Their DIY Solutions

Silent Hearing Aid: When You Can’t Hear Anything

If your hearing aid isn’t producing any sound, consider these potential causes and solutions:

Possible Causes:

  • Depleted battery
  • Blocked sound outlet
  • Unintentionally powered off
  • Incorrect program setting

DIY Solutions:

  • Battery Checks: Install a fresh battery, ensuring it’s seated in the proper orientation.
  • Clean the Device: Gently remove earwax or debris from the sound outlet using a soft brush or the cleaning tool provided with your hearing aid.
  • Power and Program Verification: Confirm the power switch is on, and the correct program is selected.
  • Inspect the Tubing: If your hearing aid has tubing, check for cracks or blockages.

Whistling or Feedback: Dealing with Unwanted Noises

Hearing a high-pitched whistle from your device? This feedback could be caused by a number of things, but it’s generally easy to fix. 

Possible Causes:

  • Poor fit in the ear
  • Excessive volume
  • Earwax accumulation
  • Damaged tubing (for behind-the-ear models)

DIY Solutions:

  • Reposition the Device: Remove and carefully reinsert the hearing aid to ensure a proper fit.
  • Adjust the Volume: Gradually reduce the volume until the whistling stops.
  • Clean Your Ears: Use over-the-counter earwax removal solutions or consult a professional for safe ear cleaning.
  • Check for Damage: Inspect the tubing for cracks or splits if you have a behind-the-ear model.

Distorted or Unclear Audio: Improving Sound Quality

When sound quality is poor, consider these factors:

Possible Causes:

  • Low battery power
  • Moisture infiltration
  • Component wear and tear
  • Incorrect settings

DIY Solutions:

  • Replace the Battery: A fresh battery often resolves distortion issues.
  • Dry the Hearing Aid: Use a dehumidifier or desiccant overnight to remove any moisture from the device.
  • Clean Thoroughly: Use the cleaning tools provided with your device to remove dirt or debris.
  • Reset to Default Settings: Consult your user manual to restore factory settings.

Discomfort While Wearing: Enhancing Comfort

Uncomfortable hearing aids may result from:

Possible Causes:

  • Improper fit
  • Material sensitivities
  • Physical damage to the device
  • Overuse without breaks

DIY Solutions:

  • Ensure Correct Insertions: Review proper insertion techniques in your user manual.
  • Clean the Device: Thoroughly clean all parts of the hearing aid.
  • Taking Regular Breaks: Remove your hearing aids for short periods throughout the day to let your ears rest.
  • Apply Lubricant: Use a hearing aid lubricant to reduce friction after consulting with one of our expert audiologists first.

Essential Maintenance: Tips for Optimal Performance

Proper care can prevent many issues before they arise and extend the life of your hearing aids. Here are some tips for cleaning and caring for your device:

Daily Cleaning Routine:

  • Wipe the device with a soft, dry cloth
  • Brush away any visible debris
  • Clean earmolds with mild soap and water (for behind-the-ear models)

Smart Storage Practices:

  • Store your hearing aid in a cool, dry place when not in use
  • Use a dehumidifier or desiccant case overnight
  • Keep away from heat sources and direct sunlight

Moisture Management:

  • Remove hearing aids before showering, swimming, or engaging in water-based activities
  • Use a hearing aid sweatband during exercise

Battery Care:

  • Keep spare batteries on hand
  • Store batteries at room temperature
  • Leave the battery compartment open when not in use to prevent moisture buildup

Regular Professional Checkups:

  • Schedule bi-annual appointments with our team of experienced hearing care professionals for a thorough cleaning and adjustment

When to Seek Professional Help

While many common issues can be resolved at home with DIY techniques, some problems require expert attention. Contact us if:

  • These troubleshooting tips don’t resolve your issue
  • You experience sudden changes in hearing ability
  • There’s physical damage to the device
  • You’re due for your regular check-up (every 4-6 months)

Don’t let persistent hearing aid problems impact your quality of life. If you’ve exhausted these DIY solutions, it’s time to give us a call.

Empowering Your Hearing Health

By mastering these troubleshooting techniques, you’re taking an active role in managing your hearing health. Regular maintenance and prompt attention to issues will keep your hearing aids functioning effectively, allowing you to fully engage with the world around you.

Remember, while these DIY solutions can resolve many common problems, they don’t replace professional care. Our team of experts remain your best resource for ensuring optimal hearing aid performance and addressing your unique hearing needs.
Take control of your hearing experience today.

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