by Colorado Ear Care | Aug 30, 2023 | Hearing Aids
Always seek the best when it comes to your health There’s been a shift in the healthcare industry over the last decade or so in how people are prioritizing their health and wellness. People are investing more time and money into their overall well-being and are taking...
by Colorado Ear Care | Jul 25, 2023 | Hearing Loss
How common are hereditary health conditions? Since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, where scientists mapped the entire human genome, healthcare professionals and researchers have learned a great deal about the critical role our genes play in what...
by Colorado Ear Care | Sep 9, 2021 | Hearing Loss
Have you ever sat through a lecture or a presentation and felt inexplicably tired afterward? How about a series of Zoom meetings? Exhausting, right? It doesn’t seem to matter how interesting the content was, or how dynamic the speaker was, or even how actively you...
by Colorado Ear Care | Jun 14, 2021 | Hearing Loss
Taking action is the first step to better hearing We’re always thrilled when a person makes the decision to take control of their hearing health. In a way, that’s the first, most important step — deciding that it’s time to do something about the way that you’ve been...